Date of Birth: | 05/03/2029 |
Date of Death: | 23/03/2023 |
Date of Ordination: | 21/12/1951 |
Mgr Vincent Tiggeman
When he was 10 years old Vincent contracted polio and this required over a year of convalescing. It was during this time his vocation to the priesthood began to emerge. Vin's primary education was at St Mary’s Dominican School, Franklin Street in the city and Marist Brothers at Thebarton. He grew up in the parish of Thebarton/Mile End. In 1942, at the age of 12, Vin was one of 24 aspirants to the priesthood who entered the newly opened St Francis Xavier Seminary at Rostrevor, where he commenced his secondary school studies. He excelled academically, so much so that he topped the state in Latin, showing a gift for languages and learning. Vin was chosen to complete his priestly studies at Propaganda College in Rome where he was ordained to the priesthood on December 21, 1951. He remained in Rome to gain a Doctorate in Canon Law, returning to Adelaide in November 1955. Appointments He was appointed Secretary to Archbishop Beovich – a position he retained until he went to Christies Beach in February 1963. Throughout this time he also worked as Notary for the Matrimonial Tribunal – a work he continued until his retirement in 2004. He was appointed Judge in March 1966, Director in January 1980 and Judicial Vicar in December 2001. Vin also held a number of other positions in the Archdiocese – Member of the Catholic Hour Committee in June 1959, Chaplain to the Catholic Women's League from September 1967 till September 1990, Chairman of the Catholic Radio & TV Committee in March 1969, a member of the Senate of Priests from May 1967 to November 1970, and again in February 1972, a member of the Jordan Kennedy Scholarship Committee from January 1981 till 1985, a member of the Council of Priests 1986 to 1989 and Chaplain to the Knights of the Southern Cross in June 2008. He was also appointed a Chancellor of the Archdiocese in January 1992. While continuing his work with the Tribunal Vin ministered in a number of parishes. In February 1963 he was appointed Administrator of the new parish at Christies Beach while also overseeing the parish of Morphett Vale. In January 1967 Vin was appointed Parish Priest at Hectorville. Having spent so many years in Rome Vin became very fluent in the Italian language, which meant that throughout his ministry he was much sought after to celebrate Italian marriages. This was very much the case at Hectorville. Vin was very popular here and became rather famous for the number of Italian weddings he conducted. It is safe to say that he celebrated more marriages that any other priest in the diocese. About 2000 couples said I Do in his presence. He kept a careful account of all those marriages and sent greetings to many of the couples each year. In September 1970 Vin was asked to accompany Archbishop Beovich on his 'ad limina' visit to Rome. A few months later Vin was appointed a Prelate of Honour with the title of Monsignor. The Tribunal In October 1975 Vin was appointed Secretary, and later Director of the Matrimonial Tribunal and for some years he worked full time with the Tribunal and living at Dulwich and later at Glenelg. In January 1982 while continuing as Director of the Tribunal he was appointed Parish Priest of St Peters, where he remained until October 1998 when he was appointed Parish Priest at Pennington where he remained until his retirement in May 2004 when he went to live at Glenelg. Vincent Tiggeman will be long remembered for his dedicated work in the Matrimonial Tribunal, not only in Adelaide but also nationally. On Thursday March 25, 2004 at the Chevalier Conference Centre in Kensington NSW, at the end of a session of the Tribunal of Appeal for Australia and New Zealand, Fr Ian Waters made a presentation to Mgr Vin Tiggeman. (Ian took over from Vin as the senior judicial vicar for A&NZ.) Among other things Ian said: "To me Vin is always the epitome of urbanity, gentleness and courteousness. And I suspect that one of the strengths of the Adelaide Tribunal over the years has been the simple fact of Vin being at the helm of a changing group of individuals with very different personalities, temperaments, qualities and talents. While Judicial Vicar there have been three Archbishops of Adelaide, three bishops of Port Pirie and two bishops of Darwin". In 1969 Pope John XXIII surprised the church and the world by calling the Vatican Council II which met from 1962 to 1965 and introduced many challenges and changes in the church. Vin gave great leadership in the Church’s response to these challenges. His fluency in Italian meant that he well understood the meaning and spirit of aggiornamento (the updating). Vincent was noted for his great devotion to Mary, which was no doubt enhanced by his presence in Rome on November 1, 1950, when Pope St Pius XII declared Mary’s Assumption into Heaven, a long held Catholic teaching, to be an article of our faith. Within Vin’s pastoral leadership in all his parochial appointments and chaplaincies Mary’s role was widely acclaimed. As Archbishop's Secretary Vin was involved in taking some testimonies in regard to the cause for Sr Mary MacKillop's sainthood, he became devoted to her and he was delighted to be able to travel to Rome for her canonisation in 2010. Vincent retired as parish priest in 2004 and lived at Glenelg, but later took up residence in Murphy Villa. As his health declined he spent his last days in The Southern Cross Homes at The Pines where he died. Vin will be remembered as one who had a deep and abiding care and concern for everyone he met, encouraging them to develop and use their gifts for the good of others and to give glory to God. Vincent died on March 23, 2023. His funeral Mass was celebrated in St Francis Xavier's Cathedral on April 4 where Archbishop O'Regan was Principal celebrant, Fr Dean Marin delivered the Homily and Mgr Rob Egar presented a Eulogy. The burial took place at Centennial Park Cemetery. |